03 June 2008

A Big Day!

I have completed three of my next five, and now have the challenge of coming up with three new ones. Here's what I've accomplished:

#2: Create an exercise and better eating plan and stick with it for two weeks. Today marks two weeks since I began my exercise plan at Curves for Women. I've also been avoiding desserts (except one on the weekend as a treat), eating less dairy, and trying to limit my portions. I've also been attempting to include more fruit and vegetables in my diet and fewer sodium-rich products. So far, I think I'm doing well - not perfect, but well. I feel so much better about myself already, and I'm looking forward to the 15th of June, which is my next measuring day after my initial startup at Curves. (Scary, but exciting!)

#4: No ice cream until June 1. I did it! It was SOOOO hard, because ice cream is my favourite dessert, but I did it. My most challenging moments were when I visited my parents over Memorial Day weekend (they stocked up on ice cream while we were there), and then when Jason and I had a French fry craving and satisfied it at Dairy Queen. Oh I longed for a Blizzard! But I was strong. And to celebrate, on June 1 I DID go to DQ and ordered a small Blizzard. Strangely enough, it didn't taste as amazing as I expected it to.

#5: Research freelance writing and copy editing. This I have done. And, to make this post even more incredible than it already is, I already have my first freelance job! I am writing an article for Amistad International for their 2008 newsletter. I might also be doing some copy editing for them. Secondly, a librarian I know (no, it's not my husband) is in chairing a committee that is producing an instructional book on how to set up a library, and I have put in a bid for copy editing it. Unfortunately, it has to be written before it can be edited, so it may be a while in coming to me. That's fine; I will wait. So recently I met with a communications professor who has been doing freelance editing for quite a while, and she gave me some great tips on getting started and reporting income for tax purposes, and how to charge clients, etc. It was very helpful, and I think I finally have my foot in the door for freelancing. Now to get the rest of me through the door...

So...numbers 2, 4, and 5 - exercise and eat better, no ice cream until June 1, and researching freelance work: CHECK!

New #2: Try mushrooms in 3 different recipes. (Note: I notoriously hate mushrooms. But I'm trying to branch out and be adventurous.)

New #4: Get in contact with at least 2 classmates I haven't heard from in several years.

New #5: Give someone a lesson in how to play steel drums.

1 comment:

P said...

Hey, great job. I totally hear you on the not tasting as good as you remember. That always happens to me when I take something "bad" out of my diet for a while. And way to go on the freelance writing stuff. Did you go talk to Nancy?

Anyways, good luck and have fun with mushrooms. I love mushrooms. Olive Garden has a good mushroom ravioli if you want to try something good.